Who We Are:
Ammudim (Ah-moo-deem)
is the Hebrew word for pillars.
Our goal at Ammudim is to do our part to help God’s people become pillars of truth that will stand strong in a world that is crumbling. The primary way we seek to accomplish this is through the Bible-teaching ministry of David Levitt.
But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. 1 Timothy 3:15 KJV
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. Revelation 3:12 KJV
is the Hebrew word for pillars.
Our goal at Ammudim is to do our part to help God’s people become pillars of truth that will stand strong in a world that is crumbling. The primary way we seek to accomplish this is through the Bible-teaching ministry of David Levitt.
But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. 1 Timothy 3:15 KJV
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. Revelation 3:12 KJV
Congregation Ammudim is a member congregation of the I.A.M.C.S. (International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues). The I.A.M.C.S. is a subsidiary of the M.J.A.A. (Messianic Jewish Alliance of America) and is one of the oldest, most respected, and largest Messianic and Rabbinic affiliations in the world. The I.A.M.C.S. offers accountability, support, and many other resources to make sure Congregation Ammudim remains a safe place for both Jew and Gentile to worship the God of Israel in a Biblically Jewish way.
Learn more about the I.A.M.C.S here.

Rabbi David Levitt
Lead Rabbi and Founder of Congregation Ammudim and Ammudim Teaching Ministries
David is the lead Messianic rabbi of Congregation Ammudim. He has served in numerous roles during his 16 years of ministry, but none has he enjoyed more than shepherding God’s people by feeding them the Word of God. He has a way of taking some of the most complex and seemingly controversial truths of the Bible and breaking them down in a simple, understandable way. David believes that the solution to mankind’s problems is found in the Word of God. We just have to be willing to seek the answers out and then put our faith in those answers when He reveals them. David is currently pursuing a Master’s of Divinity in Messianic Jewish Studies from Chesapeake Bible College and Seminary and is also in the ordination process as a Messianic rabbi through the I.A.M.C.S. (International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues).
Most importantly, David is a dedicated husband to his wife Kassy, and father to their five children Brooke, Khloe, Joshua, Asher, and Ivan. Together they enjoy baseball, fishing, and spending time together outdoors.
Elder Scott Marchman
(Info coming soon)
Lead Rabbi and Founder of Congregation Ammudim and Ammudim Teaching Ministries
David is the lead Messianic rabbi of Congregation Ammudim. He has served in numerous roles during his 16 years of ministry, but none has he enjoyed more than shepherding God’s people by feeding them the Word of God. He has a way of taking some of the most complex and seemingly controversial truths of the Bible and breaking them down in a simple, understandable way. David believes that the solution to mankind’s problems is found in the Word of God. We just have to be willing to seek the answers out and then put our faith in those answers when He reveals them. David is currently pursuing a Master’s of Divinity in Messianic Jewish Studies from Chesapeake Bible College and Seminary and is also in the ordination process as a Messianic rabbi through the I.A.M.C.S. (International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues).
Most importantly, David is a dedicated husband to his wife Kassy, and father to their five children Brooke, Khloe, Joshua, Asher, and Ivan. Together they enjoy baseball, fishing, and spending time together outdoors.
Elder Scott Marchman
(Info coming soon)
We Believe:
We believe the BIBLE, consisting of the Tenach (Torah, Prophets, and Writings) and the later writings commonly known as the B’rit Hadasha (New Covenant) that combine to total 66 books is the ONLY infallible and authoritative word of God. We recognize its divine inspiration and accept its teachings as our final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe that the Shema, “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one” (Deut. 6:4), teaches that God is Echad, as so declared: a united one, a composite unity, eternally existent in plural oneness in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God the Father (Abba) is: The Father of all spirits, the head of Yeshua and the Holy Spirit, the source of every good and perfect thing, and love.
God the Son (haBen) / Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus Christ): The Word of God become flesh, all things were created by Him and through Him, the only begotten Son of God the Father, born of a virgin, of the seed of David, the atoning sacrifice for Israel and the whole world, crucified, buried, and raised from the dead on the third day, and returning a second time to rule and reign as the King of Israel and the whole earth from Mt. Zion in Jerusalem.
God the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh): Guides and teaches believers into all truth, produces spiritual fruit in the believer’s life, equips believers to function collectively in all the gifts referenced in the New Covenant for the building up of the Body of Messiah, seals the believers for the day of redemption.
Man was created in the image of God, the woman was created from man by the power of God, and both are created for God’s pleasure and both bear the image of God. Man and woman are distinct (male and female) and the gender of an individual is chosen by God Himself, and not the individual.
Through the first man, Adam’s disobedience to God, mankind is now separated from God and condemned to eternal punishment. The only hope for the condition and eternal fate of mankind is faith in the person and work of Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus Christ) for the forgiveness of sins and hope of eternal life.
The Resurrection and Eternal Judgement:
We believe in the resurrection of both the redeemed and the lost: the former to everlasting life and the latter to eternal separation from God, a state of everlasting punishment.
We believe the covenant that God made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is still in effect today and will be forever as an eternal covenant. We also believe that the modern-day state of Israel and the regathering of Jews from all over the world is a prophetic fulfillment of the Scriptures in preparation for the return of their Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach.
Messianic Judaism and the Body of Messiah in the Earth:
We recognize that Jewish people (physical descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob, whether through the mother’s or the father’s blood-line) who place their faith in Israel’s Messiah, Yeshua, continue to be Jewish according to the Scriptures. Gentiles who place their faith in Yeshua, are “grafted into” the Jewish olive tree of faith becoming spiritual sons and daughters of Abraham. We observe and celebrate the Jewish Holy Days given by God to Israel, with their fulfillment in and through the Messiah Yeshua. We believe that true “Biblical Judaism,” the faith of first century believers, which we seek to practice, acknowledges the continuity of faith in the one true God, revealed throughout the Scriptures, and ultimately manifested in God’s Son, Yeshua the Messiah. We believe that salvation has always been “by faith,” and that works of law, or righteous acts, have never saved anyone. We acknowledge that the New Covenant body of believers is composed of both Jews and Gentiles who have received Yeshua the Messiah as the Promised Redeemer. The “middle wall of partition” has been broken down and now we worship the God of Israel together.
What we do NOT believe
“Hebrew Roots”, Two-House, and Ephramite theology:
We, as Messianic Jews, have become increasingly concerned that there are a growing number of individuals and groups today promoting the idea that all the world’s believers in the Messiah – Gentiles especially – ought to be observing Torah principles, particularly the Shabbat, the feasts, and kosher diet. The doctrine has been around since the day of the Apostles, in different forms, but today it has come to be known as “One Law One People” or just “One Law,” for short. It insists upon Gentile Torah observance universally. Most of those who teach it, also promote false theories about Israel identity as well. Recently, some of the more prominent One Law teachers have banded together and begun using the label “Hebrew Roots” to describe themselves as a movement. This nomenclature is regrettable from our point of view, since it causes confusion, it does not follow the Jewish Apostles teaching in Acts 15 & 21 and is simply unbiblical.
Click here for an in-depth explanation of why we do not believe in this theology.
Be on the look out for more in-depth on ‘What We Believe’.