
What a great word! When we bring the concept of a miracle into any situation, no matter how dire the circumstances, it begins to bring a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe the current trajectory of a dire situation can be turned around in an instant no matter what is taking place before our very eyes.
Regardless of a person's faith, all humans are still made in the image of G-d, and I believe part of that makeup involves an intrinsic belief or we could say hope that no matter how bad things get, some outside influence may intervene and change the whole course of nature regarding their situation. Some may deny this, but when push comes to shove, this hope is what keeps them going. But is that real faith and hope that will bring peace and joy to our lives? I don’t believe so.
Regardless of a person's faith, all humans are still made in the image of G-d, and I believe part of that makeup involves an intrinsic belief or we could say hope that no matter how bad things get, some outside influence may intervene and change the whole course of nature regarding their situation. Some may deny this, but when push comes to shove, this hope is what keeps them going. But is that real faith and hope that will bring peace and joy to our lives? I don’t believe so.
Just “hoping” a situation turns around is a shaky foundation, not a firm one.
We could actually call this kind of “hope” wishful thinking because it has no foundation. Now, when I say it has no foundation, what do I mean? I mean that there is no prior proof, evidence, or account of it ever happening before and therefore little to no chance of it actually happening in the present day or in the future. But as believers in G-d our Father and Yeshua, our faith and our hope have foundations, and many of those foundations are the miracles G-d has done throughout history, into our present day, and will continue to do into the future.
Let’s define a miracle in our context.
The word “miracle” comes from the Latin word “miraculum” and means “an object of wonder”. In the Bible, both the Tenakh and New Covenant often use the word “wonder” as in signs and wonders, when telling of a miracle. Would you like to know my definition of a wonder? It is an event that occurs openly that makes all those who see and hear it “wonder” how it happened! There is no natural explanation for it and it often seems to interfere with the natural course of creation (well, natural for creation corrupted by sin). For example, a person is dying from a malady and the medical community has no more answers. If the malady follows the expected course it will result in the death of that individual. But what if a believer like you or me, filled with the Ruach HaKodesh, came and prayed for this individual and they recovered and no longer had the malady? That would make everyone involved “wonder”. So a miracle makes people wonder, but if we look at the miracles in the Bible it is even more specific than that.
When I look at the Biblical accounts of miracles that G-d performed there is something that happens each time regardless of the miracle that took place.
It is this: A miracle is when life is brought to something that is non-existent or dead. If we examine the miracles that our faith and hope are founded upon we will see this each and every time.
When I look at the Biblical accounts of miracles that G-d performed there is something that happens each time regardless of the miracle that took place.
It is this: A miracle is when life is brought to something that is non-existent or dead. If we examine the miracles that our faith and hope are founded upon we will see this each and every time.
Let’s look at a few examples.
We will begin with the conception of Isaac, Abraham's promised son to be born of Sarah. Look at what Romans say about Abraham and Sarah's bodies in regard to conceiving a child.
And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah's womb. Romans 4:19
Sarah’s womb was considered dead in regards to childbearing, but life came to her womb just as G-d told Abraham it would. Upon this miracle, we have the faith that God’s promised seed would go through Isaac and not the sons of Ishmael contrary to what Islam teaches.
Speaking of conception, what about our Savior Yeshua's conception? It was a prophesied sign and miracle.
"Therefore the L-rd Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14 NKJV
It is clear that Abraham and Sarah still had to copulate despite old age in order for the promised seed to come from Abraham’s own loins, but in Isaiah 7:14 a virgin would conceive. This is a miracle in that life was brought when there was nothing existing. In this case, no seed from a man. Yeshua’s very existence is a miracle and it's His existence, life, and what He did for us that brings us salvation!
And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah's womb. Romans 4:19
Sarah’s womb was considered dead in regards to childbearing, but life came to her womb just as G-d told Abraham it would. Upon this miracle, we have the faith that God’s promised seed would go through Isaac and not the sons of Ishmael contrary to what Islam teaches.
Speaking of conception, what about our Savior Yeshua's conception? It was a prophesied sign and miracle.
"Therefore the L-rd Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14 NKJV
It is clear that Abraham and Sarah still had to copulate despite old age in order for the promised seed to come from Abraham’s own loins, but in Isaiah 7:14 a virgin would conceive. This is a miracle in that life was brought when there was nothing existing. In this case, no seed from a man. Yeshua’s very existence is a miracle and it's His existence, life, and what He did for us that brings us salvation!
Are you beginning to see how miracles are a foundation for our faith and hope?
How about the miracles that Yeshua did as a work of the Ruach? Yeshua being anointed to do these miracles was the sign of His Messiahship. The rabbi’s taught that when the Messiah came He would be able to do four miracles that no other man had ever done! They were: To cast out a dumb spirit, heal a leper, heal someone blind from birth, and raise someone from the dead after three days. Sound familiar? This is why Yeshua told the Jewish leaders that did not believe:
"Believe Me that I [am] in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. John 14:11 NKJV
When Yeshua would perform these miracles what He was really doing was overthrowing satan’s kingdom that only seeks to bring death, but Yeshua brought life. Again, bring life to what is dead or dying.
"Believe Me that I [am] in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. John 14:11 NKJV
When Yeshua would perform these miracles what He was really doing was overthrowing satan’s kingdom that only seeks to bring death, but Yeshua brought life. Again, bring life to what is dead or dying.
Lastly, and perhaps the most significant miracle was Yeshua being raised from the dead
Lastly, and perhaps the most significant miracle was Yeshua being raised from the dead by the Father by the power of the Ruach. It is on this miracle that our faith and hope for our own resurrection from the dead to eternal life with a new glorified body rest. Speaking of the resurrection 1 Corinthians 15:54 says:
So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory." 1 Corinthians 15:54 NKJV
This is a miracle… Life is being brought to something already dead, and this is the ultimate foundation for humanity to overcome the greatest enemy ever known which is death. And still today, more than ever I exhort you to seek the L-rd for miracles in our midst just like we see in the book of Acts. Not for our glory, not so that we may speak of how “spiritual” we are, but because these miracles bear witness to the resurrection of life to a world lost to sin and destined to die apart from the Giver of Life.
With great power the emissaries were giving witness to the resurrection of the Lord Yeshua, and abundant favor was upon them all. Acts 4:33 TLV
So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory." 1 Corinthians 15:54 NKJV
This is a miracle… Life is being brought to something already dead, and this is the ultimate foundation for humanity to overcome the greatest enemy ever known which is death. And still today, more than ever I exhort you to seek the L-rd for miracles in our midst just like we see in the book of Acts. Not for our glory, not so that we may speak of how “spiritual” we are, but because these miracles bear witness to the resurrection of life to a world lost to sin and destined to die apart from the Giver of Life.
With great power the emissaries were giving witness to the resurrection of the Lord Yeshua, and abundant favor was upon them all. Acts 4:33 TLV
G-d is still doing miracles in our day
G-d is still doing miracles in our day to the end that mankind has a foundation for true faith and hope in G-d and Yeshua for eternal life spent with HIm and an inheritance in the Messianic Kingdom to come on earth. Tune out the naysayers, the counterfeits, and the intellectuals who say miracles are not for today. There is a lost world counting on seeing and knowing the miracles of G-d by the power of the Ruach on which to build their faith and hope upon.

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